APTN and Prairie Dog Film + Television’s one-hour crime drama series, TRIBAL begins production of Season Two today in Calgary.
APTN and Prairie Dog Film + Television’s one-hour crime drama series, TRIBAL begins production of Season Two today in Calgary.
Alberta has rolled out rapid COVID-19 testing that has A-list stars now able to cross a closed U.S.-Canadian border and onto a local film set in two days.
Cameras are set to roll Nov. 17 for the 10-episode season that is scheduled to air in the fall of 2021 on APTN, says creator, showrunner Ron E. Scott.
Two Calgary-based shows were the top nominated. Tribal (Prairie Dog Film & Television) had 12 nominations while Heartland (SEVEN24 Films) had 10.
Partway through the first season of the new Calgary-shot police series, Tribal, an investigation leads the show’s two mismatched protagonists into the tragic world of missing Indigenous people.
Brian Markinson is drawn to ugly characters — and Buke, the character he plays in the new APTN series Tribal, certainly falls into that category.